2015 AHR Expo and NAHB International Builders’ Show

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February 19 2015

Breaking a new record by receiving around 62,000 attendees from over 140 countries, the 2015 AHR Expo held in Chicago on January 26-28 exceeded everyone’s expectations. Furthermore, the 2015 NAHB International Builders’ Show held in Las Vegas on January 19-21 drew in over 55,000 attendees. Consequently, these three-day events attracted a range of individuals including contractors, distributors, manufacturers, engineers, and even curious spectators. As a result, John Guest USA was excited to be one of the displayed exhibits in both popular events.

John Guest AHR Re-touched image

Featuring a 30′ by 30′ booth, John Guest USA not only had live visual fittings on display in Chicago, but also had an informative video highlighting their main products. Hoping to spark interests with builder, repair, re-pipe and remodel individuals, John Guest USA succeeded in doing just that, with great interest coming from a wide spectrum of the show’s audience. Only by trialing the product first hand can you truly appreciate how simple and capable the JG Speedfit push-fit system is, making the shows the perfect forum for thousands of people to see for themselves the system that has got the industry talking.  Ultimately, John Guest USA not only successfully attracted over 1,000 visitors, but received many hundreds of enquiries and compliments about Speedfit technology.

John Guest Exhibition